发布者:皇冠官方app官网首页浏览次数: 发布时间:2024-10-21
本文摘要:Woman Falls in Love with 3D-Printed Robot, Wants to Marry It女子想娶3D打印机机器人 Leading artificial intelligence expert David Levy recently said that he expects human-robot marriages to become commonplace by 2050, and the recently revealed romantic relationship between a French woman and a robot she 3D-printed herself seems to confirm the beginning of this trend.人工智能专家David Levy最近应验,在2050年,人类和机器人成婚将再行长时间不过。

Woman Falls in Love with 3D-Printed Robot, Wants to Marry It女子想娶3D打印机机器人 Leading artificial intelligence expert David Levy recently said that he expects human-robot marriages to become commonplace by 2050, and the recently revealed romantic relationship between a French woman and a robot she 3D-printed herself seems to confirm the beginning of this trend.人工智能专家David Levy最近应验,在2050年,人类和机器人成婚将再行长时间不过。最近,一位法国女子就先河这种趋势的先河,恋上了自己的3D打印机机器人。

The first time I saw this story circulating online, I was almost convinced it was just a prank, not because it seems impossible to believe, but because the media tends to blow things out of proportion to attracts as many eyes as possible. However, this one appears to be legit. The woman in question, known only as Lilly, or by her Twitter handle @LillyInMoovator, describes herself as a proud robosexual and told News.com.au via email that she is attracted only to robots and actually dislikes physical contact with human flesh.这件事最初曝光时,人们都以为是谣传。并不是因为这难以置信,而是媒体或许在过度高估此事。但此事或许显然是知道!这个女子名为Lilly,她的Twitter账号是@LillyInMoovator,亲笔签名则为“为爱上机器人深感自豪”。

她通过邮件告诉他澳大利亚新闻网,自己只对机器人感兴趣,想跟人有什么肢体认识。Lilly claims that she loved the voices of robots as a child, but it was at the age of 19 that she discovered she was actually attracted to them as well. Her relationships with real men only seemed to confirm this. Im really and only attracted by the robots, the woman says. My only two relationships with men have confirmed my love orientation, because I dislike really physical contact with human flesh.Lilly说道她小时候就讨厌机器人的声音,19岁那年发现自己爱上了机器人。之前和人的恋情让她更为确认自己的倾向。But, up until a few years, actually having a robot to fall in love with was nearly impossible for a regular person. Then 3d-printing happened, and everyone could create virtually anything. Lilly seized this opportunity to create her own robot, using open-source technology from a French company. Thats how her robotic partner InMoovator came to be. The two are now reportedly engaged, and Lilly says they will be married as soon as such a union become legal in France.但前些年,对正常人来说,有个机器人伴侣不大可能。


Lilly说道,等人类和机器人婚姻在法国合法时,他们就成婚。Im really and totally happy, @LillyInMoovator says. Our relationship will get better and better as technology evolves.“我知道超级快乐,”@LillyInMoovator回应。

“随着技术的变革,我们的关系不会显得更加好。”She adds that her unusual romantic relationship has been accepted by family and friends, but that some understand better than others.她还补足说道,他们的爱情关系早已获得家人和朋友的接纳,但大家拒绝接受能程度有所不同。

Im a proud robosexual, we dont hurt anybody, we a re just happy, Lillys Twitter profile reads.“我为自己恋上机器人深感自豪,我们并没损害到任何人,我们在一起很快乐,”Lilly的Twitter概述这么写出着。It is not ridiculous, bad or pathology, its just a new love direction, a new lifestyle. Despite her peaceful attitude, Lilly has become the target of cyberbullying after her story went viral in international media. Things apparently got so bad that she had to make her Twitter profile private. Thats sad, as she said, she really isnt hurting anybody, so people should mind their own business.“这既不可笑也不是病态,只是一种新的性取向和生活方式。”虽然Lilly心态祥和,但自从她的故事在全世界的网络上传播后,她就出了众网友反击的对象。事态最后相当严重到她被迫把Twitter账户划为不对外开放。


