发布者:皇冠官方app官网首页浏览次数: 发布时间:2024-03-15
本文摘要:According to an article on The Information (paywall), Uber reportedly implemented an algorithm to figure out the lowest possible offer it could give to new hires.根据The Information(paywall)上的文章所说,据传Uber实施了一个算法来构建给新的员工派发低于薪酬的目标。

According to an article on The Information (paywall), Uber reportedly implemented an algorithm to figure out the lowest possible offer it could give to new hires.根据The Information(paywall)上的文章所说,据传Uber实施了一个算法来构建给新的员工派发低于薪酬的目标。Investors were supposedly becoming worried that the company was doling out too much equity, so Travis Kalanick allegedly approved this new system in 2015, which helped the company save millions of dollars by significantly reducing what it offered to applicants.据传有可能因为投资者开始担忧公司派发的股权过多,所以2015年特拉维斯·卡兰尼克落成了这个新的算法,通过大幅度减少求职者的工资这种方式协助公司节省了数百美元。The computer program factored in a candidates previous pay and stock options to calculate the offer, and since women are systematically paid less, a perhaps unintended result was that the algorithm helped perpetuate the gender wage gap.这个电脑程序把求职者此前的工资和股票期权皆计算出来在内,然后得出结论一个可获取给求职者的工资水平,然而因为女性的工资一般来说比男性的较低,所以这种用这种算法有可能会获得让人意想不到的结果,就是使男女收益差距长久不存在。

Of course this practice isnt exclusive to Uber; asking about previous pay has been such a driving factor in keeping the pay gap in place that Massachusetts recently signed a law outlawing the practice. Uber just found a way to automate it.当然无独有偶,除Uber外也不存在采行某种程度方法的公司。告知求职者之前的工资仍然以来都是收益差异无法避免的驱动因素。为此,马萨诸塞州最近通过了法律来禁令这种作法。而Uber是换汤不换药,把这种方法自动化了。

