霍金开微博粉丝轻松破百万 被赞新晋网红-皇冠官方app官网首页
发布者:皇冠官方app官网首页浏览次数: 发布时间:2023-10-29
本文摘要:Renowned cosmologist Stephen Hawking entered the universe of Chinese social media with a big bang on Tuesday, with his first post to the countrys Twitter-like Weibo service garnering him more than 2 million followers the same day.英国知名宇宙学家史蒂芬·霍金本周二转入了中国社交媒体的浩瀚空间,引发极大反响。

Renowned cosmologist Stephen Hawking entered the universe of Chinese social media with a big bang on Tuesday, with his first post to the countrys Twitter-like Weibo service garnering him more than 2 million followers the same day.英国知名宇宙学家史蒂芬·霍金本周二转入了中国社交媒体的浩瀚空间,引发极大反响。他公布的首条微博(中国版本的推特)当天之后更有了多达了200万粉丝。In less than five hours Hawking flew past Apple chief Tim Cook, who has around 820,000 fans after a nearly a year online.在将近五个小时的时间里,霍金乘势多达了苹果公司CEO蒂姆·库克。

库克在通车将近一年的时间里享有了约82万名粉丝。In my physical travels, I have only been able to touch the surface of your fascinating history and culture, the Cambridge scientist said in his initial post, writing in both English and Chinese.在首条中英双语微博里,这位来自剑桥的科学家写到:到中国的旅行,使我对博大精深的中国历史和文化有所认识。But now I can communicate with you through social media -- and I hope to tell you more about my life and work through this page and also to learn from you in reply, he added.他还写到:但现在我可以通过社交媒体与你们交流了。通过这个微博,我期望和你们共享我的生活趣事和工作所学,也期望能在对话中向你们自学。

He also explained that he first visited China in 1985, traversing the country by train, and had last been in the capital in 2006 for a physics conference.此外,他还提及了他第一次采访中国是在1985年,搭乘火车穿过中国,以及上一次到访是在2006年在首都北京举办的物理会议。Netizens extended their warm welcome to Hawking, with many leaving messages thanking him for his contribution to the world.许多网民十分青睐霍金入驻中国微博,并在他的微博下方facebook,感激他仍然以来对世界作出的最出色贡献。I cannot believe it. This is a historical moment. Im so close to the grand master! a netizen said, whose feelings appeared to be shared by many others.一位网友facebook道:我真是不敢相信!这真是是一个历史性的时刻!我从没想要过我可以离这样一个伟人如此之近。

这条评论也道出了许多网友的心声,许多网友也争相发送该条评论。His second post, on Wednesday, described the interstellar project Breakthrough Starshot which he is backing, saying it was exciting to be involved in such an ambitious project.周三,霍金公布第2条微博,叙述了由他反对的星际穿过项目突破摄星,相提并论能参予这样雄心勃勃的项目,十分令人兴奋。

Born on January 8, 1942, Hawking is well-known and respected in China not only for his achievements in physics, but also for the inspiring and encouraging story of his fight with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).霍金出生于1942年2月8日,在中国,他不仅因为物理成就广为人知、受到认同,也因为他和日渐冷症对付的鼓舞、鼓舞人心的故事。Hawkings popularity shows the Chinese peoples great enthusiasm for science, especially among the young generation, which is inspiring for the countrys future, Steven Dong, a professor at the Communications University of China, told the Global Times.中国交通大学教授史蒂芬·东告诉他《环球时报》:霍金的风行表明出有中国人民对科学的极大热情,特别是在在年轻一代中更是如此,这对国家的未来来说是振奋人心的。

