皇冠官方app官网首页_社交之心不死! 支付宝新上线社交功能!
发布者:皇冠官方app官网首页浏览次数: 发布时间:2024-02-07
本文摘要:Alipay, one of Chinas most widely used digital wallets, is testing a new social networking feature in its latest attempt to take on WeChat, the countrys leading messaging app.我国应用于最广的数字钱包之一支付宝正在测试一项新的社交网络功能,这是其企图与国内领先移动通讯应用于微信抗衡的近期措施。

Alipay, one of Chinas most widely used digital wallets, is testing a new social networking feature in its latest attempt to take on WeChat, the countrys leading messaging app.我国应用于最广的数字钱包之一支付宝正在测试一项新的社交网络功能,这是其企图与国内领先移动通讯应用于微信抗衡的近期措施。The mobile payment tool, run by Ant Financial Services Group, an affiliate of Alibaba Group, rolled out the new service that allows some of its users to stay updated on topics of interest to them and get in touch with people who share these interests online.支付宝是阿里巴巴集团旗下的蚂蚁金融服务集团运营的移动支付工具,其发售的这项新的服务使部分用户能取得自己感兴趣的话题的近期动态,并认识到具有完全相同兴趣的网友。Alipay said in a statement last Monday that the service, named Quanzi, or Circle in English, is designed to build real-name online communities via the companys big-data enabled credit rating system.支付宝上周一在声明中称之为,这项取名为圈子的服务目的打造出基于大数据的信用分级系统的发帖在线社区。

Trust is the key issue in the social networking scene among strangers in China. Anyone in Quanzi is using their real name and their online credit scores can also be checked for reference, said Alipay.支付宝方面回应:“在中国社交网络中,陌生人之间的信任问题尤为关键。所有人在“圈子”中都是用自己的现实姓名,他们的在线信用评分也可以查阅以供参考。”The move is seen by analysts as Alibabas latest effort in social networking, an area in which its rival Tencent Holdings Ltd does particularly well, with WeChat, its mobile messaging app with more than 800 million users.这一行径被分析人士视作是阿里巴巴在社交网络上的近期希望,而其竞争对手腾讯控股有限公司在这一领域十分出众,该公司旗下的移动社交应用于微信享有多达8亿用户。

Wang Xiaofeng, senior analyst with Forrester Research, said that it is very difficult for late arrivals to boost their market share in the social networking market. But, Alibaba has never given up its hope in this field.Forrester Research的高级分析师王晓峰回应,对于晚些转入社交网络市场的公司来说,提升他们的市场份额是十分艰难的。但是,阿里巴巴未曾退出在这一领域的期望。

With WeChat growing bigger and bigger, it makes sense for Alipay launch a counter attack to step up its effort in social networking, she said.她说:“随着微信显得更加强劲,支付宝发动一次反攻来强化其在社交网络方面的希望,这是有意义的。

