空中上网业务方兴未艾 东航将提供该项服务|皇冠官方app官网首页
发布者:皇冠官方app官网首页浏览次数: 发布时间:2024-02-07
本文摘要:Airline to offer Wi-Fi飞机上将不会获取无线网际网路China Eastern Airlines will launch in-flight Wi-Fi services on 21 of its flights, making the first extensive splash in the huge potential domestic market.东航将在21架飞机上向旅客获取空中网际网路服务,这是国内首次批准后这一服务大范围用于,标志着一个潜力极大的市场的无法访问。

Airline to offer Wi-Fi飞机上将不会获取无线网际网路China Eastern Airlines will launch in-flight Wi-Fi services on 21 of its flights, making the first extensive splash in the huge potential domestic market.东航将在21架飞机上向旅客获取空中网际网路服务,这是国内首次批准后这一服务大范围用于,标志着一个潜力极大的市场的无法访问。The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will give green light to more airlines to launch such services, said an insider.一位知情人士透漏,接下来还不会有更加多航企取得工信部盘查。Currently, it is estimated that there are 360m people travelling by air annually in China, each flying 2.5 hours on average. That makes a total of 900m potential hours yet to be filled.据估计,按照中国民航年均载运旅客3.6亿人次、人均飞行中2.5小时计算出来,一年就有9亿小时的飞行中时间可以利用。The in-flight online services thus have the potential to become an RMB100b industry, according to experts.因此专家指出,整个民航互联网产业规模有可能将多达千亿元。

